CATHOLICA 200 - Bicentenary of the Catholic Church in Western Canada
To view some of the videos of JUBILATION 15.07.18 as well as those of the conferences by Cardinal Lacroix on Saturday, July 14; and of the Ecumenical Prayer Service on Friday, July 13, 2018, click here.
All videos can be viewed on the diocesan Facebook page,
click here. (view videos of interviews with Robert Lebel, Archbishop Marcel Damphousse, Archbishop Emeritus Émilius Goulet, the Apostolic Nuncio to Canada Archbishop Luigi Bonazzi, our seminarians and many other persons)
You may also view the coverage of these events by
Salt & Light, click here.
To read the complete details for JUBILATION 15.07.18,
please view the following documents:
Site Map & Programming (in colour)
Site Map & Programming (grey colour)
Information about the presentation by Cardinal Lacroix
Pope Francis writes a letter to Cardinal Cyprien Lacroix who is the Papal delegate attending the 200th anniversary celebrations
It is with a deeply joyful heart that we proceed to the celebrations marking the 200th anniversary of the beginning of the evangelization of Western and Northern Canada…In my name, please greet all those who will be commemorating this joyful jubilee, specially the Indigenous Peoples so attentive to the message of the Creator through nature, and who subsequently welcomed the Good News through Christ. Read complete letter.
Ecumenical Prayer
Friday, July 13, 2018
All are invited to a special evening Ecumenical Prayer Service with our sister Christian churches to celebrate this 200th anniversary of the Catholic Church in Western Canada at the St. Boniface Cathedral, Friday, July 13 at 7:30 PM. This is a year to celebrate 200 years of faith and Christian community, committing ourselves anew to sharing the Good News of Jesus. It is also a time to give thanks for all that was light and to ask for forgiveness for all that was darkness, committing ourselves anew to true reconciliation
and unity, justice, harmony, compassion, inclusion, tolerance and peace. For more information: Greg Barrett: View poster.
Click on poster. (French)
Within the Old Walls of the St. Boniface Cathedral
2018 marks the 200th anniversary of the establishment of the Catholic Church in western and northern Canada. Among the events highlighting this celebration is the play “1818” written by Rhéal Cenerini in French “Métchif” that provides a look at the history of the Catholic Church as seen through the eyes of an old Métis woman Élise. In her own words, she tells the story of her life, directly to the audience and to the young African priest who visits her. In doing so, she also touches upon the actions, the challenges and the sufferings associated with the Church in Western Canada.
“1818” will be presented outside within the old walls of the Saint-Boniface Cathedral at 7:00 pm on July 20, 21, 22 and the following week on July 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29. The performance will be moved into the basement of the church as a rain back-up. Tickets are $15.00 and are available by calling (204) 233-ALLO(2556) or at the door.
The play was commissioned by the Archdiocese of St. Boniface and is one of a number of activities of Catholica 200 taking place throughout the year.
For more information or to book an interview please contact Sarah at
Producer: Léo Dufault; Director: Laura Lussier; Actors: Alison Palmer et Daouda Dembele; Music: Daniel Roa; Costumes: Andréanne Dandeneau
And the desert shall blossom
In 2018, the Catholic Church in western and northern Canada will celebrate a momentous anniversary, the 200th anniversary of the establishment of the Roman Catholic church in this wide and beautiful, yet also challenging and even at times forbidding land.
From the plains of the southern prairies and parklands, and then beyond the mountains to the Pacific Ocean, from the northern forest, rivers, lakes and then beyond the barrens of the Hudson Bay and the Arctic Ocean, the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been preached and lived.
Read Archbishop LeGatt's complete letter about the significance
and importance of this anniversary.
View the video of Archbishop Albert LeGatt, Archbishop of Saint-Boniface as he speaks to the media, community organizations, and current and future sponsors and partners about the Official Launch of CATHOLICA 200 and the yearlong Jubilee
which will be filled with large and small liturgical and cultural celebrations.
In this anniversary year of 2018, the Archdiocese of Saint Boniface invites all to join in celebrating the story of this land and its peoples as a story of faith and love blessed by God in many and wondrous ways. The Church established by Bishop Provencher invites all its sister Roman Catholic dioceses of western and northern Canada to give thanks to Jesus Christ for all those women and men of faith, laity, religious and priests who built up the Church over 200 years. spread of the Gospel today and tomorrow, we remember and honour all the dedication and faithfulness of the years gone by. The Archdiocese of Saint Boniface also invites its sister Christian Churches, its friends of all faiths and spiritualities and indeed all people of good will to join in celebrating the rich diversity of gifts we bring to and receive from each other. |
Sunday, July 15, 2018 (view videos) - Theme Song: By the Shores of the Red River
- « Elles s'appellaient Marie » - They Were Called Marie