Interchurch and Interfaith Learning
Miller Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership | Hebrew College
Established in 2016, the Betty Ann Greenbaum Miller Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership of Hebrew College provides current and future religious and ethical leaders with the knowledge and skills to serve in a religiously diverse society. We work with clergy, academics, and communal leaders, as well as high school, undergraduate, and graduate students and seminarians. Click here to visit the website.
The Book of Psalms: Calling Out From the Depths | Hebrew College
"The goal of this interreligious psalms project is not to collapse our distinct traditions, but to share resources thoughtfully in today’s complex and increasingly interconnected world." Rabbi Or Rose, Director of Hebrew College's Miller Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership
Click here to explore the reflections on the Psalms.
Bat Kol International
Bat Kol is a Hebrew phrase that means "daughter of a voice."
The Bat Kol International online course platform is administered and managed by the Religious of Notre Dame of the Missions (Philippine Region).
The Religieuses de Notre Dame des Missions (Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions) is a religious missionary congregation founded by Euphrasie Barbier in 1861. For more information, please visit the website,
Christians studying the Word of God within its Jewish Milieu using Jewish Sources
To promote the study of the Word of God, inspired by the vision of Nostra Aetate, to grassroots communities worldwide
Provide accessible and affordable education through online courses
Promote the study of Nostra Aetate and other Church Documents on the history and relationship between Christians and Jews
Facilitate the integration of these studies into a Christian self-understanding that respects the Jewish people and the integrity of their traditions
Bat Kol 35th Anniversary Booklet
VIEW Bat-Kol-35th-Anniversary-Brochure.pdf
"Barukh shehecheyanu vekiyimanu vehigianu lazman hazeh. Blessed are you, God, for granting us life, for sustaining us, and for bringing us to this moment."
(Sr. Maureena Fritz, NDS)
The Bat Kol Institute, for 35 years, trained Christians who are committed to Torah, Jewish Studies and Jewish-Christian Dialogue. They work in their respective communities, in their home countries.
This online platform was created to provide self-paced online courses to sustain the dynamism of the grassroots movement and to expand its reach in a digital setting.
Contact wpgtri.batkol <at symbol> gmail <dot> com for the Winnipeg Bat Kol Tri-Diocesan

*NEW* People of Faith Doing Stuff Together
The September 2019 issue of Rupert's Land News has an insightful article on Interfaith activities, the importance of moving out of our comfort zones and the value of listening. A great read that you can find by clicking here.
Rupert's Land News is published ten times per year by the Diocese of Rupert's Land, in the Anglican Church of Canada.
Muslim-Catholic Dialogue: God Desires the Heart
In September 2016 two faith communities - Mary, Mother of the Church and the Manitoba Islamic Association - met for two sessions of dialogue on the topics of - 'The Name of God is Mercy' on September 14 and the 'Problem of Suffering', September 21. The conversations were led by Father Peter Genger of the Archdiocese of St. Boniface and Dr. Nazir Khan of the Islamic community. Read complete story.
Ecumenism brings mutual enrichment to Christian communities: through discovering the workings of the Spirit in others, the different communities of faith are enlightened more fully about the mystery of Christ. As for dialogue with other religions, ecumenism shows that it is possible for the Church to speak of God to, and with, all people.
Current Projects
- Week of Prayer for Christian Unity;
- Inter-diocesan participation in activities of Bat Kol, an international association of Christian women and men who are committed to studying the Word of God in a Jewish context, and to incorporating their studies into Christian self-understanding in a manner that respects the integrity of both traditions;
The Pastoral Centre and the Archbishop’s Office will promote the following:
- Week of Prayer for Christian Unity;
- Regular ecumenical meetings of Anglican, Lutheran, Orthodox, Roman and Ukrainian Catholic bishops;
- Participation of diocesan delegates in ecumenical and interfaith dialogues;
- Initiatives encouraging parishes to commit to ecumenical and interreligious undertakings together with other local organizations, including those related to education and testimonies of charity and social justice.
Interchurch and Interfaith Learning

Resources for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2024 | World Council of Churches (
What is World Day of Prayer?
World Day of Prayer - Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada (WICC)
Imagine over 1.5 million Christians speaking 90 different languages in 150 countries coming together in spirit; uniting to pray for relevant issues affecting women and children. This was the 2023 reality for this tremendous movement that has been active for nearly 100 years.
The World Day of Prayer is traditionally celebrated on the first Friday of March, though communities can choose other dates. A different participating country writes the service each year.
To learn more, continue reading or click to jump:
Click here to read more information on the World Day of Prayer International Committee
The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement that brings Christians of many traditions together to observe a common day of prayer each year. Through preparation and participation in the worship service, we can learn how our sisters of other countries, languages, and cultures understand the Biblical passages in their context. We can hear their concerns and needs and can join in solidarity with them as we pray with and for them. In this way, it is possible to enrich our Christian faith as it grows deeper and broader in an international, ecumenical expression.
The motto of the World Day of Prayer movement is Informed Prayer and Prayerful Action. Through our participation in the World Day of Prayer, we affirm that prayer and action are inseparable and that both have an immeasurable influence on the world.
World Day of Prayer in Canada
The World Day of Prayer traces its roots to the 19th century when Christian women of Canada and the United States became involved in missions at home and worldwide. Since 1812, women have encouraged one another to engage in personal prayer and lead communal prayer within their mission groups. Presbyterian women in the United States then called for a national day of prayer in 1887, and Anglican women in Canada established a national day of corporate intercessions for mission in 1895.
On October 19, 1918, Presbyterian women in Canada called together representatives of five Women’s Missionary Boards – Anglican, Baptist, Congregational, Methodist, and Presbyterian – “to promote the spreading of Christ’s kingdom through united prayer and action.” That first inter-church meeting gave birth to the Interim Committee on the Federation of the Women’s Missionary Society Boards of Canada, which organized a national and inter-denominational day of prayer on January 9, 1920.
In 1922, the Canadian and U.S. committees agreed to use the same theme and day for the Day of Prayer as U.S. women. This annual event became the Women’s World Day of Prayer in 1927. The Canadian committee changed its name to become the Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada and now includes representatives from 11 church partners. This council continues to coordinate the World Day of Prayer in Canada and to speak to issues that concern women of faith across the country.
Read more about how and why the World Day of Prayer was founded:
“A Glimpse into our History“
(International WDP website)
Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada History
Interchurch and Interfaith Learning