Description of Service
Evangelization through Communications
'The Church needs to be concerned for, and present in, the world of communications, in order to dialogue with people today and to help them encounter Christ...may we respond to that challenge with fresh energy and imagination as we seek to share with others the beauty of God.'
Message of Pope Francis for the 48th World Communications Day, January 24, 2014 (Feast Day, St. Francis de Sales, Patron Saintof Journalists).
The Communications Office is a ministry which serves the Archbishop, priests, parishes, offices and agencies within the Archdiocese of Saint Boniface. Through various media, this office focuses on effectively communicating the work of the Archdiocese to the parishes, the faithful and the general public. This is in keeping with its mission to evangelize and build a Christ-like community grounded in love, peace and reconciliation.
Weekly News Bulletin (WNB) *lists upcoming events in the diocese and other announcements from related organizations *to publish an announcement, submit it by Monday at 4 PM, to:
*provides information about the various diocesan services and parish information events, activities, projects, initiatives and testimonies *submit any requests for publication on the website to: Facebook: Read the: Diocesan Social Media Policy.
New Media Outreach in Communications *this diocesan initiative was launched in Spring 2017 to improve communications between the diocese & parishes; between parishes; from parishes to individual parishioners; and to the community at large. *view the complete description, presentations and handouts on the Diocesan Website Communications section.
Media Relations *the Communications Office maintains media relations to ensure coverage of various events and topics. A diocesan spokesperson provides press interviews. The spokesperson is not necessarily part of the Communications Office. |
Communications Coordinator
Daniel Bahuaud
Social Media Coordinator
Kevin Prada
Archives 2015-2016: Diocesan Infojournal - Your Church, Your Voice
Archives 2009-2014: Diocesan Bulletin -