Vision for the Parishes
The goal of the Archdiocese of Saint Boniface is to renew and grow it’s parishes.
To reach this goal, parishes are called to:
- be concerned with those who are not in the Church;
- pray for the renewal and growth of their Christian community;
- organize and train their members to seek out and welcome newcomers;
- ensure that Church experiences are positive and memorable;
- guide parishioners towards spiritual maturity;
- help parishioners identify their talents and gifts;
- involve parishioners in the Church's mission;
- train parishioners to become leaders in the Church and in society.
In short they are to make the transition from maintenance to mission (i.e. from maintaining the status quo to becoming active missionary parishes striving for integral growth).
It belongs to the Parish Pastoral Councils to:
- Adopt a missionary vision: A decision, a firm commitment, is made by the priest, the Parish Pastoral Council, and the Parish Financial Council, to turn the parish into a "Missionary Church” which evangelizes and makes disciples.
- Work in co-responsibility: The priest and the Parish Pastoral Council put together a team of laypersons (called the Parish Leadership Team), whose members assume pastoral responsibilities and work towards the development of the parish. These pastoral responsibilities are: 1) evangelization and healing 2) welcoming and fellowship 3) prayers and liturgy 4) Christian education and 5) the Social Pastoral Mission.
- Invite parishioners to pray for the renewal and growth of the parish: Prayers are organized on an on-going basis in the parish to pray for the renewal and growth of the parish.
- Plan: The members of the Parish Pastoral Council learn about Church growth principles (pastoral orientations that contribute to parish growth)[1]. They discuss the necessary steps to become a Missionary Church and write down an action plan[2].
[1] Information about Church growth principles and the way to renew and develop a parish can be found in books like Rebuilt (Michael White), Divine Renovation (Fr. James Mallon), The Purpose Driven Church (Rick Warren), as well as by visiting growing parishes or attending Church growth conferences.
[2] The diocesan document Guide for the Renewal and Growth of Parishes available on the Archdiocese of Saint Boniface website is there to help parishes write down an action plan.