Our Faith Stories, Treasures to Share : 2017-2018

Dedication Ceremony of the New Oratory in Seymourville
Saint Joseph Oratory is in the new rectory that the Archdiocese of Saint-Boniface acquired from Henry Seymour. It not only serves as accommodation for the sisters who work in the First Nations Missions of our archdiocese but also as a much-needed spiritual retreat spot for the people. Read complete story.

An Experience of Reconciliation lived at Summer Camp (CSE)
Every camp gives us so many reasons to rejoice, and the 2018 summer camp season was no exception! Last year, the Lord led us to Fr. Augustine Ezediniru, Pastor serving the Parish of St. Alexander.  Fr. Augustine dreamt of offering the young people in his community a Catholic summer experience. We committed to doing everything we could to bring his dream to reality. Read complete story.

Taking a Step in Faith – CSE Missionary Family 2018-2019
In reflecting on their discernment process in applying to become the CSE’s next Missionary Family, Dawn recalls “a really big shift when we started to actively seek God’s will both as a family and as a couple. Read complete story.

History is made in Little Grand Rapids – The Sacrament of Confirmation is Celebrated for the First Time! October 2018

‘God put strength in me and now I feel that God is with me wherever I go!’ exclaimed a young girl after having celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation. Read complete story.

Fort Alexander Parish Builds a Garden of Hope and Reconciliation!

This garden, which brings together Indigenous and Catholic traditions, will offer an outdoor meditative space designed especially for people seeking a quiet time with their Creator or searching for meaning in life. Initiated by Fr. Augustine Ezediniru, this outdoor space will include a grotto with a statue of Mary Our Lady of Perpetual Help, chosen in light of the respect given to women by the Indigenous people of the community. The grotto will be built of rocks selected by individual members of the community and representing their unique pathway as well as challenges they strive to overcome. For more information on the Garden of Hope, read the complete article. Fr. Augustine’s mission maxim:  Love Lifts Up and Forgiveness Heals Hurt!

St. Alexander Parish, Fort Alexander, MB: Twenty-one candidates received the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation on Mothers Day, May 13, 2018 at St. Alexander Church in Fort Alexander. This beautiful group of candidates included 7 young adults and 14 children... Read more.

April 2018 The whole of a hermit's life helps him to live in God’s presence: liturgy, work, study, superior and community, all done in a climate of silence and solitude. Read complete storyby Brother Brian Watson-Colter.


March 2018It is a spiritually uplifting event and reminds us of God’s love and mercy toward us, Christians and non-Christians,” was the comment by several of the parishioners who participated in the Way of the Cross on Good Friday, at Holland Catholic CenterRead story.



March 2018  'It was a beautiful sight to behold on Good Friday as Catholics and Anglicans of Sagkeeng First Nation Community, Manitoba walked the Way of The Cross together.' Read story.


Sharing Simply at St. Joseph the Worker Parish, March 2018

The Family-Friendly Stations of the Cross evening…the simple meal beforehand… and the experience of seeing, touching, and learning about the St. John’s Bible…opened our eyes and hearts to fellowship with other parishioners. Read complete story.

An Homage to a Legacy of Care, Courage and Compassion

There were over 250 people at the St. Boniface Cathedral who came to celebrate the Feast for Consecrated Life on Friday, February 2, 2018. Those gathered came to give thanks and pray with the numerous religious men and women who have helped make our church, and our society, what it is today. Read story.



Saint John’s Illuminated Bible Visit, Holland Catholic Centre

February 2-4, 2018

Many people came forward throughout the day to examine and pray with the Saint John’s Bible. They were in awe of this breathtakingly beautiful sacred work of art that offers the viewer rich symbolism that leads us to reflection and prayer. Read story.

Mary, Mother of the Church Parish

And the hall really started to "rock" with fun as the karaoke started at 9 PM - several parishioners commented on how much fun the night was, with one parishioner stating: 'I've been to many parish volunteer appreciation events, and this one is by far the best!' Read story.  


St. Joseph the Worker Parish Puts Happy into ‘Happy’ New Year’s Eve

January 2018

It didn’t take long for the idea of a games night New Year’s Eve potluck to take off and come together at St. Joseph the Worker Parish! It was a cold evening and small group (with warm hearts and an age range of over seventy years) that gathered… Read story.


Open House Evening at the New Archdiocesan Centre Offices - A Visitor's Reflection

December 6, 2017

My first impression was of warmth and light… Now, the flooring had changed, the lighting had changed, and every corner seemed to be filled with purpose and life. One had the impression, “this is a happening place.” Read story.

To share the joy of the evening, view short videos from the evening on the Archdiocesan Facebook Page.

Come Meet Pastor Kevin Bettens

Rollicking sense of humour. Acapella singing voice. Welcoming manner. Happy priest.  If you know someone that fits these descriptors, then undoubtedly you have met Fr. Kevin Bettens, pastor of Mary, Mother of the Church in Richmond West. Read story.


Catechist Fall Formation 2017

Being a catechist is a vocation of service in the Church that has been received as a gift from the Lord and must in turn be transmitted. Read story.

Archdiocese of Saint Boniface Multicultural Day Celebration

July 1, 2017

This year’s 2017 celebration was a unique one because at the end of the first part of the celebration, which is the holy mass, the archbishop said a powerful prayer consecrating our country, Canada, to our blessed mother Mary. Read story.

Ordination to the priesthood of Joshua Gundrum and Vincent Lusty

July 2017

What a truly blessed day for the Archdiocese of Saint Boniface as two young men from parishes within the Archdiocese, Joshua Andrew Gundrum and Vincent Paul Champagne Lusty were ordained priests. Read story.

Is the Village of Bruxelles Becoming a Pilgrimage Place? 
June 2017
The completed special pilgrimage project of the fourteen Stations of the Cross which is outdoors around a small chapel and a new Bed & Breakfast are attracting more and more people to come to this area to rest, pray and seek spiritual inspiration and physical relaxation. Read story.

Fatima: 100 Years
May 2017
Hundreds of the faithful from the Archdioceses of St. Boniface, Winnipeg and the Ukrainian Archeparchy of Winnipeg participated in the events of the day recognizing that devotion to our Blessed Mother Mary leads us to a deeper understanding of our Lord and His message. Read story.

Ecumenical Way of the Cross, Holland, MB
April 2017
A participant shared: ‘Even though the weather was windy, cloudy with a little rain, the sharing of our faith with other people, praying and singing while carrying the cross, was a very humble, joyful, and reflective experience about the passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.’ Read story.




This feature of our website is meant for us to share the ways in which we live out our Catholic faith through various activities, events, experiences and celebrations. Here we’ll get to know, inspire and encourage one another. May we continue to grow in unity as a family of faith, through the giving and receiving of our parish stories.

To submit a story from your personal perspective of an event or experience, please write a text between 400-500 words, include a title, 2-3 photos for us to choose from to accompany the text, or a video (less than 2 minutes viewing time).

The Archdiocese reserves the right to review the text and approve the subject matter. Approved texts will be published in the Weekly News Bulletin and the diocesan website in the Our Faith Stories: Treasures to Share section.

We thank you for your submission and look forward to spreading the Good News of our faith in Jesus Christ and our Church.

For more information or to submit a story, contact: communications@archsaintboniface.ca