2024 Diocesan Study Days


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2024 Diocesan Study Days Registration

Please register by
Friday, Oct 18, 2024
by clicking on the following link:

Registration Form

Payment Methods:

Your $65 registration fee can be paid:

  • By cash or cheque (payable to C.A.C.R. de Saint-Boniface) upon arrival at the event.
  • By mailing a cheque to the Archdiocesan Centre (151 Avenue de la Cathédrale, Winnipeg, MB R2H 0H6)
  • By e-transfer to jpaquin@archsaintboniface.ca (be sure to include a note that the payment is for Study Days)


Please contact James Kautz at jkautz@archsaintboniface.ca
or call at 
with any questions


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