Your gift to the 2023 Good Shepherd Campaign
goes toward the formation of seminarians and priests,
and the pastoral efforts in support of moving
forward, with hope, in our parishes.
The overall financial objective:
$ 400 000
Click here to download the 2023 Campaign brochure
Dear faithful of the Archdiocese of Saint-Boniface,
Our diocese has experienced an awakening. Emerging from the pandemic, our activities have resumed, especially the celebration of the Eucharist in person. We are now moving forward, with hope. What a blessing!
Since last fall, many of us have seized this opportunity to join a Household of Faith where, in small groups, we have established a deeper relationship with Jesus by meditating on the Gospel and on our lives, sharing our discoveries and wonder with one another.
Through these experiences, our families, friends, colleagues and communities - indeed, our very lives - are enriched and filled with Christ's loving purpose. It is thanks to Him that we can move forward with hope. Likewise, our commitment to one another and to our Church is strengthened. With Jesus the Good Shepherd, we enter into deeper, more life-giving relationships in our parishes and in the world we are called to serve by our baptism.
In responding to Christ's call, our pastors and seminarians recognize that they too are to be in touch with the family of believers and with today’s world. They open the Word of God to us, they offer each of us the Eucharist and the whole sacramental life. They bring us together in intimate union with Jesus and with all the faithful.
The Good Shepherd Campaign provides ongoing formation for priests, helping them to move forward with hope in their pastoral work. Such pastors, working with committed lay people, can truly move forward, with hope, helping our Church to grow and flourish.
I ask you, dear faithful, to give generously to the Good Shepherd Campaign so that we can continue to move forward in our efforts to evangelize and build a better world.
With gratitude, in Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd,
Archbishop Albert LeGatt
For a PDF copy of Archbishop Albert LeGatt's message, please click here
The Fruits of Our Moving Forward, With Hope!
Meet Our Seminarians for the
Archdiocese of Saint Boniface 2023-2024
Please click here for the poster featuring our seminarians
Each seminarian has a story to tell, a story of how Christ called them to embark on a journey leading to the priesthood. To find out more about our seminarians,
click on their name or on their photo...
"The parishioners at Christ the King have been like an extended family to me. Their support and encouragement have made me feel truly at home in the Church."
- Joseph-Martin Ngoc Hien Pham
"My whole life has been marked by the presence of the Lord, who placed generous people at my side to support me from an early age."
- Joseph-Emmanuel Mukena
"Theological studies have helped me profoundly experience God’s call. It is a continuation of a journey that began when I was a child and first felt God’s calling in my life."
- Vincent Nguyen
"My pastoral experience at St. Emile Parish was one of the great periods of growth and maturation of my vocation. It was a rich and invigorating experience that fully developed my appreciation and admiration for the priestly life."
- Jean-Marcel Kabongo, deacon
"God says to me “Don’t be afraid. Keep going forward, you are not alone because I am with you until the end of the world.”
- Peter Tran
Good Shepherd Campaign Working Team:
Daniel Bahuaud, Gisèle Gratton, James Kautz, Julie Paquin
For more information on the Good Shepherd Campaign:
Julie Paquin
Click here for the 2023 brochure
We invite you to watch these videos ...
Archbishop LeGatt
Meet Our Seminarians
Click here for more information on Households of Faith