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book.gif Stewardship: A Disciple's Response: A Pastoral Letter on Stewardship
Auteur (s) :    United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Langue :    Anglais
Type :    Livre
Année de parution :    2002
Éditeur :    United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Système Dewey :    248.6 UNI
ISBN / ISSN :    1-57455-465-4
  Description :
This pastoral letter has served as an indispensable way to communicate a vision and extend an invitation to Christian people to "grasp the fact that they are no less than 'God's co-workers' (1 Cor 3:9), with their own particular share in his creative, redemptive, and sanctifying work." Everyone who has studied and acted on this letter knows that it will continue to attract and guide countless new co-workers to the Church's mission.
  Notes :
74 p.
Nombre de copies présentement disponibles :    1
Nombre de copies présentement empruntées :   


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