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Les ressources suivantes sont disponibles dans la catégorie Sacrements -- Général.
- Autre (2)
- DVD (2)
- Livre (34)
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Guide canonique et pastoral Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Au service des paroisses. Assemblée des évêques du Québec. | |||||
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Quand les ados demandent à plonger Auteur (s) : Office de catéchèse du Québec Langue : Français |
Ces catéchèses peuvent aider les jeunes à découvrir les éléments essentiels de la révélation chrétienne. Elles visent une initiation à la vie chrétienne au sens plus large. Elles peuvent se prêter à une démarche catéchumenale orientée vers la célébration des sacrements de l'initiation. | |||||
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Sacraments for Children: DVD Langue : Anglais |
Camp Sacrament is the setting where Fr. Hain and eleven of his middle-grade friends spend time discovering the meaning and symbols of the seven sacraments. The video is divided into 8 vignettes. The first addresses the concept of sacrament, and the remaining seven cover the individual sacraments. Fr. Hein'S down-to-earth explanations help the children of Camp Sacrament begin to learn and discuss how they see, hear, and touch Jesus through the sacramental life of the Church. | |||||
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Sacraments: DVD Auteur (s) : Cronin, Gaynell; Rathschmidt, Jack Langue : Anglais |
The Sacraments Series includes five programs: WE BELONG: Baptism and Confirmation (14 min) WE FEED: Eucharist (12 min) WE FORGIVE: Reconciliation (12 min) WE COMMIT: Marriage and Holy Orders (12 min) WE CARE: Anointing of the Sick (12 min). | |||||
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50 clés pour comprendre les sacrements Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
«Un sacrement est l'occasion d'une rencontre avec Dieu». Une encycclopédie entièrement ilustrée sur les 7 sacrements de l'Église. Un guide complet pour une véritable redécouverte aujourd'hui de chaque sacrement. | |||||
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Initier aux sacrements Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Pour les catéchètes et les parents. | |||||
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Lectionnaire Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Lectionnaire pour les sacrements et autres célébrations. | |||||
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Les sacrements - Source de vie Auteur (s) : Scholtus, Robert Langue : Français |
Petite encyclopédie moderne du christianisme. L'auteur renouvelle le regard sur ce qu'est l'Église et fait comprendre les asises mêmes de la vie chrétienne. | |||||
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Les sept sacrements Auteur (s) : Fourez, Gérard Langue : Français |
Par les sacrements, est célébrée la totalité de l'oeuvre du salut accomplie par le Christ pour tous les hommes. | |||||
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Les symboles chrétiens Auteur (s) : Scouarnec, Michel Langue : Français |
Les sacrements ne sont pas étranges. En dévoilant dans un langage simple la source des sacrements chrétiens, ce livre invite à une nouvelle manière de vivre les gestes de la foi. | |||||
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Pour vivre les sacrements Auteur (s) : Béguerie, Philippe; Duchesneau, Claude Langue : Français |
Pour ceux qui désirent mieux connaître leur foi, pour ceux qui veulent comprendre comment elle s'inscrit dans la vie, pour ceux qui assurent un service de catéchèse auprès des enfants ou des adultes, ce livre propose un parcours. | |||||
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Rituel de l'initiation chrétienne des adultes Auteur (s) : Congrégation pour le culte divin Langue : Français |
Notes doctrinales et pastorales | |||||
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Rituel de l'initiation chrétienne des adultes Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Le présent rituel est l'adaptation pour les pays de langue française de L'Ordo Initiationis Christianae Adultorum. | |||||
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Rituel de l'initiation chrétienne des adultes Auteur (s) : Ouvrage collectif Langue : Français |
Guide de pastoral. Service national du catéchuménat. | |||||
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24 Seasonal Liturgies for the Young Auteur (s) : Thompson, Fred Langue : Anglais |
This book holds out the promise to continue the effective celebrations planned and organized in his earlier book. | |||||
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A Catechesis on Reconciliation Auteur (s) : Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Langue : Anglais |
A Guide for the Catechist on the Sacrament of Reconciliation. | |||||
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A Eucharist Sourcebook Auteur (s) : Baker, J. Robert; Budde, Barbara Langue : Anglais |
Our emphasis has been on the action of the eucharist as a congregation consecrates the sacrament and as the sacrament sanctifies the congregation, both a liturgy and in the world. | |||||
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A New Look at the Sacraments Auteur (s) : Bausch, Wiliam J. Langue : Anglais |
The book tries to combine the history, theology, and modern revisions of the sacramental rituals into a coherent meaning for the simple reason that one element is totally dependent on the other. | |||||
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A Supplement to the Sacramentary : New Optional Methods Auteur (s) : Canadian Conference of Bishops Langue : Anglais |
Full title: A Supplement to the Sacramentary : New Optional Memorials, Memorials and Votive Masses for the Dioceses of Canada, For Study and Comment. | |||||
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Catholic Customs & Traditions (Revised and Expanded) Auteur (s) : Dues, Greg Langue : Anglais |
A popular guide to many of the customs and traditions of the Catholic Church. | |||||
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Catholic Etiquette : What You Need to Know about Catholic Rites and Wrongs Auteur (s) : Isca, Kay Lynn Langue : Anglais |
This modern guide to appropriate behaviour in Catholic situations covers many aspects of daily and seasonal Catholic life. | |||||
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Celebrating Sacraments Auteur (s) : Stoutzenberger, Joseph Langue : Anglais |
So the journey of this course begins with our trying to see all of life as a sacrament. That means recognizing God's presense in life and becoming familiar with the materials of life that God and people, use to communicate with each other. | |||||
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Learning Centers for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and the Whole Community Auteur (s) : Murphy, Doris Langue : Anglais |
If children learn best when they are fully involved in the process, it makes good sense to use Learning Centers in parish faith information session. This author offers 37 creative and formative centers for children preparing for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. | |||||
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Living the Sacraments : A Call to Conversion Auteur (s) : Knight, David M. Langue : Anglais |
The challenge to Catholicism is simply this: to translate his/her way, which is solid, and his/her truth, which is real, into life that can be experienced. | |||||
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Preparing the Rites of Initiation Auteur (s) : Corconran, Bill Langue : Anglais |
This book will help liturgy perparers understand the vital relationship of these rites to the life of their communities, and how to help their communities celebrate them well. | |||||
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Rethinking Sacraments : Holy Moments in Daily Living Auteur (s) : Huebsch, Bill Langue : Anglais |
The sacramental moments of life are holy moments, times that touch the heart, offer healing, unity, reconciliation, and courage. | |||||
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Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Auteur (s) : International Commission on English in the Liturgy Langue : Anglais |
This book is the ICEL translation of the 1974 emended second printing of the Ordo initiationis christianae adultorum. | |||||
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Sacramental Guidelines Auteur (s) : Osborne, Kenan B. ofm Langue : Anglais |
A Companion to the New Catechism for Religious Educators. Parents and pastors will appreciate its straightforward overview of the sacraments and how they function in our faith as the heart of our Catholic belief and the soul of our spirituality. | |||||
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Sacramental Theology Auteur (s) : Vorgrimler, Herbert Langue : Anglais |
Author offers us a view of the Christian sacraments, which takes into account contemporary understanding of symbols, the history of the sacraments, of the psoitions formulated by Vatican II. For someone looking for an explanation of both traditional and contemporary theological studies, this voulme will prove quite helpful. Adult religious education will be helped by this book. | |||||
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Sacramental Theology : Means of Grace, Ways of Life : Catholic Basics : A Pastoral Ministry Series Auteur (s) : Stasiak, Kurt Langue : Anglais |
This book is an introduction to the history, theology, and pastorial practice of the Church's liturgy and her sacraments. | |||||
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Sacraments Auteur (s) : Martos, Joseph Langue : Anglais |
Contents: Rooted in History and Culture, Symbols of God, Sacraments and Divine Life, Baptism: Immersion in God's Life, Confirmation: Affirmation of God's Life, Eucharist: Celebration of God's Life, Reconciliation: Reconverstion to God's Life, Anointing of the Sick: Healing by God's Life, Matrimony: Union in God's Life, HOly Orders, Ministering to God's Life. | |||||
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Sacraments & Sacramentality Auteur (s) : Cooke, Bernard Langue : Anglais |
What this present book hopes to do is show that "sacrament" is not something limited to certain formally religious action. | |||||
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Teaching Manual for Celebrating Sacraments Auteur (s) : Stoutzenberger, Joseph Langue : Anglais |
This book offers high school students and their teachers a sampling of treasures that can be uncovered in contemporary sacramental theology. | |||||
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The Catholic Sacraments Auteur (s) : Martos, Joseph Langue : Anglais |
Author has attempted to do a sketch a rather general picture of the Catholic Church's sacramental system. | |||||
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The Meaning of the Sacramental Symbols: Answers to Today's Questions Auteur (s) : Richter, Klemens, & Maloney, Linda M. (Transl.) Langue : Anglais |
The renewal of sacramental symbols «ought to have as a result» that they express more clearly the holy things which they signify (and that) Christian people, as far as possible, should be able to understand them with ease and to take part in them fully, actively, and as befits a community. | |||||
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The Sacraments and Indigenous People Auteur (s) : Hater, Robert Langue : Anglais |
This book describes the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church in the light of indigenous people. It recognizes God's sacramental presence in nature. It invites the reader to listen to God's voice in the sun, moon, earth, water, fire, wind, animals and plants and to connet His prensence here with the seven sacraments, viewed as gateways to God. | |||||
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The sacraments and your everyday life Auteur (s) : Häring, Bernard Langue : Anglais |
Since Vatican II, a major part of the Church has made a serious effort to bridge the gap separating worship from daily moral life in both private and social spheres. | |||||
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The Sacraments of Christian Initiation Auteur (s) : Tawil, Joseph Langue : Anglais |
Author talks about looking into the liturgical texts of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation and examine them in the light of patristic teachings. | |||||
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