Archdiocesan Catechetical Policy Overview

 On November 14th, 2012, the Assembly of Diocesan Priests adopted five main guidelines with regard to Catechetics for children (0 – 18 years of age) and their parents.

This agreement among priests shows a common will and an awareness of the importance of bringing people to a living faith. A policy was developed from these guidelines by a committee in June 2013 with the cooperation of parish catechism coordinators, priests and approved by Archbishop Albert LeGatt.  Click on the image below to read the overview.


March 2019

Parishes may use Dynamic Catholic resources.

Blessed Series (for Reconciliation grades 2 & up for Eucharist grades 3 & up, note: these are best for the grades 2 to 4 range, age-appropriate other resources for older grades may be chosen with consultation with the Archdiocesan Office of Catechesis)

Decision Point (Confirmation grades 6 & up, not for restored order younger years age-appropriate other resources for older grades may be chosen with consultation with the Archdiocesan Office of Catechesis)

May 2018 

An update to the policy recognized Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program for ongoing catechesis (immediate preparation catechesis and parent catechesis are still required through other parish processes). 

Archbishop's letter

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Association of Canada

Archdiocesan Catechetical Policy Document

To read the full document please click here.

Additional Links

Guidelines for Ensuring a Safe Church Environment Online

Given the recent increase in online meetings and events as we adjust to our new reality, we have created some guidelines to consider when organizing online gatherings, especially with youth and other vulnerable people. We have also prepared a permission form template for you to use when hosting online gatherings with youth. Please contact the diocesan coordinator of your ministry if you have any questions regarding ways of ensuring a safe online environment for all.

Click here for the guidelines
Click here for the permission form