Formation in Liturgy in English Parishes




This page contains various informational sessions: Lay led Sunday Celebration of the Word, Training the Trainers - A Liturgical Workshop, and Liturgical Education Sessions (the importance of the altar,  ambo, baptismal fonts, etc.)

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Liturgy Workshop Series
A 4-part series given in Fall & Winter 2022-2023

These videos are part of a 4-part series on different ministries in the Church. Fr. JB Nguyen gave the first workshop on the ministry of Lector, and Fr. Brian Trueman gave the second workshop on the ministry of extraordinary ministers of communion.

On January 25th Sr. Charlotte Leake will be giving a workshop on the ministry of cantor and seminarian Jean-Marcel Kabongo will be giving a workshop on the ministry of altar servers on February 21st. Videos of these workshops will be added as they become available.

VIDEO - Lay led Sunday Celebration of the Word
Archbishop LeGatt Presentation - June 14, 2022

Archbishop LeGatt on Planning and Leading a Sunday Celebration of the Word in the Absence of a Priest With priests taking some time off during the summer and the challenge in finding a replacement, it is possible to organize a Sunday Celebration of the Word. Archbishop Albert LeGatt explains how it is important to prepare these in advance and that a team works together to lead the community in prayer. The resource reference is the Sunday Celebration of the Word and Hours: Ritual and Pastoral Notes which can be purchased through the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops Publication website.


Training the Trainers: A Liturgical Workshop - Rooted in Baptism

(Originally presented in October 2018)

(click on photo to view video)

2018 Western Conference for Liturgy | Speaker: Bernadette Gasslein - Session 1 Liturgical formation is rooted in baptismal spirituality. Parish leaders must nurture this spirituality so that all the faithful understand baptism as the source of their liturgical participation and liturgical ministers understand that their ministries express their baptismal spirituality.

Video: Liturgical Education Session
People of God, let us Celebrate our Faith (Originally presented on June 23, 2018)

This session, with facilitator Ms. Christina Ronzio, Director of Liturgy in the Diocese of Hamilton, was held at the St. Boniface Cathedral on Saturday, June 23 from 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM and addressed topics such as: the importance of the altar, of the ambo, and the baptismal fonts, while keeping in mind the importance of God’s people who are gathered in this space. To view the  sessions, visit the diocesan Facebook page:

Part 1

Part 2





Evangelization with joy becomes beauty in the liturgy, as part of our daily concern to spread goodness. The Church evangelizes and is herself evangelized through the beauty of the liturgy, which is both a celebration of the task of evangelization and the source of her renewed self-giving.

From Pope Francis Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium  #24


English Liturgical Formation


Contact Person: 

Sr. Charlotte Leake, SNJM





