Safe Church Environment: Protecting Children & the Vulnerable - Introduction

 Diocesan Protocol for the Protection of Children 

 & the Vulnerable

Working Together for a Safe and Respectful Church Environment

 This policy is our Church’s response to the need to protect those most vulnerable in our church and society. In our society and indeed in the church itself, sad experience has shown the need for vigilance and awareness to provide safe space and practices in order that all, especially the most vulnerable, may feel and be at peace in a safe environment.

 This policy strives in a pro-active way to promote protection for:

  • children, youth and vulnerable adults;
  • the ministries provided and those who minister: clergy, religious, seminarians, lay staff and lay church volunteers.

The Archdiocese of St. Boniface expects those who minister in the name of the church or under church auspices will exhibit a profound respect for all. First respecting the law of the Gospel, this Archdiocese also respects and abides by the laws of our civil society. Misconduct is a sin, a scandal and in some cases can be criminal.

While trusting in the good will of all, we shall apply this policy to all persons involved in service to children, youth and other vulnerable persons. It will be the responsibility of the pastors, parish life directors and heads of diocesan offices to inform all employees and volunteers of this policy. They are to ensure that this policy is put into effect in their particular ministries or services. Its goal is the prevention of actual abuse or falling into compromising circumstances and false accusations.