The Diocesan Sexual Abuse Advisory Committee




 The Diocesan Sexual Abuse Advisory Committee

The purpose of this committee is to ensure that appropriate assistance is made available to victims of sexual abuse committed by clergy, religious, staff or volunteers while ministering in the Archdiocese of St. Boniface. The goal is to enable the healing of those victimized by the abuse.

Victims would include the immediate victim and may also include family members and others close to him or her. The parish and local community may also have been hurt by the crime.

The committee shall be composed in as much as possible of the following persons, with power to add to its membership as the need arises:

  • married couple with young children,
  • religious sister,
  • lay person (s),
  • civil lawyer,
  • a priest or deacon,
  • a professionally qualified counselor experienced with abuse issues.        


Diocesan Advisory Committee:

Richard Fréchette, Chair

Amber Wsiaki, Diocesan Coordinator

Sophia Ali

Daniel Bahuaud

Doug Cross, Deacon

Léo DeGagné

Fr. Charles Fillion, Diocesan Vicar General

Gisèle Gratton, Diocesan Financial Administrator

Alain Hogue, Lawyer

Most Rev. Albert LeGatt, Archbishop of Saint Boniface

Fr. Vincent Lusty, Diocesan Vice-Chancellor

Sr. Norma McDonald CSC

Christine McInnis

Fr.  Carl Tarnopolski, Diocesan Chancellor