The Candidates

The candidates are baptized adults affiliated with a Christian community within the Archdiocese of Saint Boniface.

The candidate who is actively involved at the parish level or elsewhere, must determine, in consultation with those affected, the degree of commitment that he/she will be able to maintain in such activities during the Nathanael three year program. Each candidate must balance the obligations and demands of family and the Nathanael Program.


The Candidates and their Parishes

From start to finish, it is important that the candidate maintains ties with his parish in order that they may receive the necessary support throughout the Nathanael journey. The pastors, administrators, and Parish Life Directors must be well informed about the role of Nathanael in the diocesan mission with regard to the formation of their parishioners, as well as the goals and objectives of the program.

Parishioners are encouraged to accompany the candidate, and wherever possible, to respond to their needs, thereby contributing to an enriching experience. Parishes can also support the candidate and guide him/her in discerning their eventual path to serve the mission of the Church. It is understood that the candidate’s personal calling may be in the community, in the workplace, or in the parish.


Interim Coordinator for the English Group

Mireille Grenier 

Telephone: 204-594-0278
